To see 11K people in our county find and live the extraordinary life Jesus offers in the next two years.
Helping ordinary people live the extraordinary life that Jesus offers.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
We Equip People To...
Follow Jesus
We help people know Jesus, because when you know Jesus, you share Jesus.
Help people
We are committed to meeting the practical and emotional needs of people in our county and in the world.
Build community
We help people develop Christ-centered relationships where they are fully known and fully loved.
Lead well
We empower people to use their influence to expand God’s Kingdom with an emphasis on families.
We Believe...
There is one true God
We believe that there is one true God who has been and always will be existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three are equal in power and glory. God created all things, upholds all things and governs all things.
The scripture is the inspired Word of God
We believe that all scripture is the inspired Word of God. There is power in the scriptures which provides truth that instructs and guides us. Understanding their meaning and purpose points us to God's love and power. Reading God's word and hearing teaching based on God's Word is an act of worship.
God the Father is personal and perfect
We believe in God the Father, who is personal and perfect in all of His ways. He is a present God who is among us. He hears us in our prayers and he saves us from spiritual death through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the only son of God
We believe Jesus Christ is the only son of God and He himself in the flesh. Jesus was made through the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He was fully man while he lived on this earth and showed us how to live fully connected to the Father. God reconciled the world through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. He has fulfilled the plan of God the Father to bring His Kingdom to earth.