I Said Yes – Day 21

Your Destiny Day 21: Keep Going We will have good days and bad days throughout life, but our trust and dependence are not based on our circumstances. They are based on the foundations of Christ and the greatness of our God. We can experience peace and joy even in the most challenging circumstances as long…

I Said Yes – Day 20

Your Destiny Day 20: GPS Gifts, Passion, and Story are how we begin the process of finding our specific calling in life. Our G.P.S. gets us to our destiny. Gifts – These are the things in life that you are naturally good at doing. Don’t over- spiritualize this, think about what are talents that you…

I Said Yes – Day 19

Your Destiny Our destiny and purpose in life is something that has mystified man since the beginning of time. But we have the Bible, and the Bible has made it very clear to us what our destiny is. Because of the world we live in, we can be sidetracked to believe our purpose lies in…

I Said Yes – Day 18

Spiritual Disciplines Day 18: Financial Generosity Generosity has always been an area that stretches me and has broken me at times. It feels like money is the hardest to be generous with when there is an unexpected bill on my counter every month. Cars break down, medical emergencies happen, Christmas always breaks the bank, and…

I Said Yes – Day 17

Spiritual Disciplines Day 17: Serving The epitome of following Jesus is adopting an attitude of servanthood. Whether it’s loving your neighbors to turning the other cheek, to treating others how you want to be treated, to going the extra mile. It’s the decision to put others first and choosing to be selfless is one of…

I Said Yes – Day 16

Spiritual Disciplines Day 16: Sabbath In the book of Genesis, we see that God created the world in 6 days, then on the 7th day, He took a Sabbath. Taking a Sabbath is a command from God and also a spiritual discipline that we see practiced by Christians. The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew…

I Said Yes – Day 15

Spiritual Disciplines Day 15: Solitude Solitude. Privacy. Aloneness. For some of you, these words make you cringe. Yet, solitude is not only a spiritual disciple, it is also where we experience intimate moments with God. It’s important to note that solitude is not isolation. Isolation is spending long seasons alone and away from God’s presence.…

I Said Yes – Day 14

Spiritual Disciplines Day 14: Celebration We live in a world where criticism reigns. We have people who are professional critics of the entertainment and food industry. Adding to that, we have the internet, which gives people the freedom to be critical of anything and everything they come across, even if they have no affiliation with…

I Said Yes – Day 13

Spiritual Disciplines Day 13: Community When you think about community, what do you think about? Do you think about hanging out with your friends? What do you think about accountability? Do you think about worshipping with other believers? I often think about being fully known and fully loved. When God created us, He created us…

I Said Yes – Day 12

Spiritual Disciplines Day 12: Confession In Genesis, when Adam and Eve were in the garden and disobeyed God, their relationship was broken. God came to the garden to look for them. As Adam and Eve hid, God said to them, “Where are you?” Let’s be honest, God, the creator of mankind and creator of the…