Message Summary: Learning how to thrive in the season God has you in; not just survive.
Life is a series of seasons. These seasons (kairos) are made up of moments (chronos). The challenge that we face is to not let a moment of time derail a season of life.
- Seasons are inevitable in life and make our lives beautiful.
Changing seasons are good for your soul. It is healthy to move from season to season. The example of a child growing up was used. The only thing worse than a child getting married and moving across the country is a child never moving on and never moving out. Some seasons are hard, but God has beauty there if you will look for it.
- Seasons are always preparation for the next season of your life.
There are seasons of planting and seasons of reaping. If you spend the planting season trying to reap, there will be nothing to reap in the reaping season. We must stop robbing our kids of the chance to get fruit. Sometimes they need to struggle and figure things out. They can do hard thing because God is with them. God didn’t give us kids to worship them, he gave us kids so we could raise them.
Sometimes, the thing we want God to rescue us from is the thing He is using to prepare you for the next season.
- Seasons lose their potential for power when we are focused on past seasons or looking forward to the next season.
Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be reborn. He must let go of an old season to step into a new one. There is always something deeper, richer and fuller in the season ahead. We can’t have resurrection without death. It is time to get serious about dying to self and living for Christ.
- What are the challenges you are facing in the season that God has you in?
- Can you think of a time when a challenging season prepared you for something you faced in a following season.
- Why do you think it’s a challenge to let kids struggle through hard things and not solve their problems?
- How can we as a Church, embrace the season that God has us in? What are we sowing now as a community that will be reaped in the future?
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 – There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,