Want to help us make a difference?
Here are ways you can be a part of this opportunity:
Use our Amazon Wish List to purchase supplies
Shop from our pre-selected school supply list and help make a difference for students and their families. Items from this list will automatically be sent to the Hope Center where students will receive them at our upcoming Back to School event.
Prefer to pick out supplies and shop in person?
Download a school supply list and shop for supplies
Print an Elementary or Secondary school supply list to see the needs for local students this school year. Purchase any or all of the school supplies listed and drop them off at one of the available collection bins.
Supply Drop-Off Details:
Drop off items by Sunday, July 30th
School supplies can be dropped off at…
Cross Timbers Argyle Campus
Location: 1119 South US Hwy 377, Argyle, TX 76226
- Drop-off bins will be located in the lobby on Sundays and in front of the office doors, to the right of the worship center.
- Checks, or cash can be placed in silver box mounted to the wall to the right of the office entrance.
Give a Financial Gift
Looking for another way to make a difference? Partner with the Hope Center for this event by giving a financial gift online!