This is the Bottom Line
1. Be honest, are you a bottom-line kind of person, or are you a more long format kind of storyteller?
2. Loving God is about loving other people. We learn that when we read the words of Matthew in Chapter 22. What kinds of people are the easiest to love? What types of people are a bit more of a challenge to love?
3. Share a time in your life when someone said just the right thing to you at just the right time. What were the words that they shared? What made their words so impactful?
4. Share a time in your life when someone crossed your path at just the right time and offered you the kind of encouragement that you needed in that particular moment.
5. Has there been a time in your life when you have thought God must surely have forgotten about you? What were the steps you took to combat that lie?
6. Toby encourages us to start each day praying, “God, make me available.” Take your phones out and set a reminder for the next seven days to begin your day with that prayer. Take notes throughout the day jotting down times when God opens the door to opportunities for you to be His hands and feet in someone else’s life. Be ready to share one of those moments with your group the next time you meet.