What does it mean to sacrifice?
1. What is easier for you to give up-sweet treats or salty treats?
2. Toby shared that we are never more like God than when we choose to willing sacrifice for someone else. What is something someone has sacrificed for you that you are thankful for?
3. We talk about giving our time, talent, and treasure here at Cross Timbers. Think about those three things-time, talent, treasure. Which of those three things is the easiest for you to give to someone else? Which is the hardest? Explain.
4. We all struggle with wanting to be in control at some level from time to time. We also know that God wants the best for each of us. We know His plans are to help us and not harm us. We know He is in control. Why is it difficult to hand over control to God?
5. We have a tendency to put conditions on a God that loves us unconditionally. When we do this, it takes away from the sacrifice of Jesus in our lives. What can we do to stop the propensity of putting conditions on our relationship with God?
6. Toby made the point that we are living sacrifices and that living sacrifices have the tendency to crawl off the altar. This should bring us a bit of hope, because time and time again-we can crawl back up on the altar after we go back to old ways of living. God is willing to sacrifice on your behalf again and again. How does this truth help you feel true freedom?
7. It is better to give than to receive. Make a plan to give something this week to someone and then be ready to come back and share with the group what you gave away!