Longing for Home

Longing for HomeQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: We are all longing for home, a place we can be ourselves, a place where we can belong. Jesus offers a spiritual home for our wandering hearts where he has everything we need. Jesus shares the parable of the Prodigal Son. There are two lost sons and the father. The…

How do I leave shame behind?

How do I leave shame behind?QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Peter’s life is relatable, we share the human experience of doubt, anger, selfishness, embarrassment, and we all make mistakes. This can lead to shame and distort our true purpose and identity in Christ. Peter felt shame when he denied Jesus. Shame is rooted in three major themes:…

Why should I follow Jesus?

Why should I follow Jesus?QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Today’s message asked us to identify why it is we choose to follow Jesus. We looked at the life of Peter as an example. When Peter first meets Jesus, he is a fisherman. Jesus tells Peter he will become a “Fisher of Men.” Following Jesus: 1. Gives you…

Better to Give Part 4

Better to Give Part 4QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: The greatest commandment given to us is to “Love God, love others,” otherwise, nothing else we do matters – our prayers, faith, service to God, generosity, etc. The most important thing we can do is to love people. Consistency builds intimacy. Practical advice: if you want to grow…

Better to Give Part 3

Better to Give Part 3QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: The intention of this series has been to convey to have a heart of consistency. In Malachi 3, this is the only act of obedience in the Bible that God tells us to test him in it. Living in consistency, discipline, and obedience throughout scripture leads us to…

Fathers Days 2024

Fathers Days 2024QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Toby recognized all fathers and gave an inspiring message today on this special Father’s Day. There are some things that only your Heavenly Father can give to you because your earthly father is not equipped to give you. Don’t waste these years of your life not influencing those who God…

Better to Give Part 2

Better to Give Part 2QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Set your heart on what God wants you to do to be consistent and generous in every area of your life. Be passionate about right and Godly things. Consistency will always bring passion. Passion will develop out of focus. Through consistency and generosity, one can accomplish goals for…

Better to Give

Better to GiveQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Generosity: Being generous is a matter of the heart and should be a core value that you’re convicted about. We must decide that generosity is part of our DNA and to be a generous person. It’s not about comfort, but conviction. Conviction is the difference between giving cheerfully versus living…

Serving like Dorcas

Serving like DorcasQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Today Josiah gave an inspiring message on serving. He began with the parable of Jesus’ last day on earth. The night before he died, he chose to wash his disciples’ feet. This act was done by the lowliest of servants. Jesus became a servant, put on a servant’s apron, and…

Is God Really With Us?

Is God Really With Us?QuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Jesus tells his disciples “I will be with you always.” Then he gives them the Great Commission and ascends into Heaven. Jesus wants to be connected with you. He wants to bring you a new life. How do we access that? We must have full belief in the…