A Fresh Start

A Fresh StartQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: We all need a fresh start. Sometimes what we are missing is because we have not asked our loving God to help us in our struggles. With this new year, what if you took the time to write down your needs and your desires? What if you asked God: God,…


PeaceQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Today’s message focuses on Peace: Peace is not an outcome. Peace is a perspective. The message of Christmas is God giving the gift of peace, through Jesus. We are stressed, tired, overwhelmed and grieving. Only 17 percent of Americans feel peace on a regular basis. Seven hundred years before Christ was born,…


JoyQuestionsVersesQuestions Message Summary: Today’s message focuses on Joy: When we live a life dependent upon God’s Spirit, He fills us with unspeakable joy. Joy is not something you discover; it is something you develop. You can’t discover joy, you foster it. The “joy” of circumstances fade. Anyone can learn how to develop joy and we can…