Crash | WAVES (Part 3)
1. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
2. What is something you want to do but are too scared to do because you are afraid of the situation or afraid of the circumstances?
3. This week, we learned that we are going crash. Crashes, failures, disappointments, let downs-what ever you want to call it-are going to happen. Thinking back on your life, you most likely have experienced crashes. Share a time when you have experienced a crash so badly that you thought you wouldn’t make it—-but you did.
4. There is a way to guarantee that you will not crash. If you want that guarantee-don’t risk. The question is not, if you are going to crash-the question is-when will you crash? And that moment shows what your core is made of and it is not something you find sitting on the sidelines. It is something found in the waves, crash after crash. What are the ways you get back up after you have failed that you can share with the group?
5. Our most gratifying experiences are often times on the other side of the really difficult times-the second sand bars. Time after time, it is always worth the extra effort-the extra time-the extra heartache. When we look at these times in the review mirror, we see God’s faithfulness. How can these experiences ready us for the crashes that are most likely coming in our future?